Pulling each other out of Plato’s Cave
Centuries ago, Plato stated that nations should be led by people who adequately philosophize. With regard to the way some Heads of States manage the current Covid-19 pandemic in their countries, can we say that Plato was right to say that?
We can understand Plato, after all, he was a philosopher. But when we see how politicians, leaders, experts are leading their nations these days we can see how much Plato was wrong.
Philosophy is a theory, which does not necessarily have any realistic, scientific foundations, when one just lets one’s imagination to run and, well philosophize.
Almost all countries responded to the pandemic according to the theories, philosophies of their leaders, governments, each acting according to their own guts.
There was no coordination or any global leadership, there was no science at all in any of the reactions. Now, according to the result, we will try to justify which leaders got it right or wrong, although that conclusion will also be simply theory since we have more unknowns about this virus than things we actually know.
It is actually nobody’s fault. In our present, default form we do not even have proper science. Due to our inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception of reality — regardless of the methods, devices we use — we all look at reality in a very limited, distorted manner. In short, we all live within our own philosophies which we justify at all cost, as we believe in our own imaginary world as if it was true.
If we want to start perceiving, understanding the world as it is, and work out how to properly evaluate and handle problems that arise, first we would need to establish a selfless, objective point of view from which we can start to observe the world in truth.
And that requires a very special, purposeful, and practical educational method in an appropriate, mutually complementing, mutually supportive, committed environment. There, with the help of the method, people can pull, “dig” each other out of their own “Plato’s Caves” to true reality, above and outside of their inherently egocentric, subjective viewpoint.
This is when the time of philosophy, theoretical science — and the era of blindly stumbling, bumping into one another desperately helplessly — will end and true, repeatable, truthful, empirical science starts.