Promising future development
Question from the Internet:
“What do you know that is new and promising in the very near future?”
I do not know anything new and promising, but I know something very old, ancient that is very promising.
There is an ancient, very special, empirical natural science, that can explain to us the root cause of all our problems, moreover, it can also give us the remedy, the method to correct that root cause.
Unique empirical natural scientists — who have been studying human nature in contrast to Nature’s fully integrated and finely balanced system — explain that the root cause of all of humanity’s problems is the inherently subjective, egocentric and individualistic nature, consciousness and perception of reality evolution created us with.
This all unfolded purposefully since this inherent separation from and direct opposition to Nature’s otherwise mutually integrated and interdependent system created our incredible human development while also giving us free choice and the ability to take our development into our own hands.
It is in our generation that we are supposed to recognise that by blindly and instinctively following our “unnatural”, self-serving, self-justifying and exploitative behaviour and development we will inevitably self-destruct — since we are incompatible with Nature’s laws and its evolution towards the most optimal integration.
It is up to our generation to change track and start a conscious, purposeful and methodical development, willingly adapting humanity’s structure and lifestyle to Nature’s dynamically balanced integral system.
So the “promising new” in the future will be humanity learning and implementing the ancient method that was developed for our times when we become ready and consciously able to complete our Human development by our own efforts.