Predicting the future
Question from the Internet:
“Is human behavior easier to predict individually or as a collective?”
I do not know if you know Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” books (a new TV series just started on Apple TV based on them). In those books, he introduces a science called “psychohistory” which can accurately predict the behavior, future development of a “large enough” human collective based on instinctive human behavior.
And while we do not have such a science available, our individual and collective behavior is predictable as long as we act blindly, instinctively, according to our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-serving, and self-justifying inner program.
For example, most known prophecies, future predictions people know about are based on this instinctive, blind human behavior which certain people with certain sensitivity can feel and make predictions based on that behavior.
This is also the explanation behind the helplessly recurring, vicious historic cycles humanity and individuals stumble through.
The bottom line is, as long as we follow our original, 100% egotistic, subjective, the self-obsessed program we do not have free choice but we blindly follow a completely predetermined, self-destructive path.
Our free choice starts when we recognize the opportunity to disconnect ourselves from the original; program and start thinking, making decisions, and acting outside of the inherently subjective, egotistic scope, only for the sake of others, without any self-interest. And if we choose this option above, against the original option — only serving, loving ourselves — then we can completely change our own individual life and the course of future human history.
There is no other free choice — either I blindly exist only for myself, at the expense of others and everything else, or I consciously, willingly exist for the sake of others while I completely forget about myself. Everything else depends on this choice.