Positive leadership in our times
Question from the Internet:
“What are your arguments for/against on this topic? ‘Leadership is not just a position but a prestigious lifestyle of empathy, vision, competence commitment influence and impact that brings power and places you at the peak of the pack.’”
I can’t argue for or against this statement as it is a bit complex, lumping some very different qualities, states together.
Instead I give you a general picture of a “good leader" for our fully integrated, interdependent times.
First of all, the usual individual style of leadership is over. Even the most genius individual can’t comprehend, operate a fully integrated, interdependent system.
Moreover, as our selfish, individualistic ego had reached its maximum intensity, strength in our generation, the expression “power corrupts" has never been more true than today.
And those who believe that they are qualified too lead others are obviously the most selfish, egotistic among us all.
Thus an ideal leader is one who doesn’t want to lead, who is promoted, chosen by others. An ideal leader leads by positive example, without much fanfare, without “great speeches", simply acting as necessary while openly informing everybody about the course of actions.
Most importantly am ideal leader understand the laws governing integral, living, natural system’s and is fully aware of one’s personal limitations and immediately organizes a mutually supportive, mutually complementing team of professionals so they could effectively, professionally tackle, understand problems and initiate the right solutions also actively, constantly informing the whole public about their decision making and action.