Positive and Negative forces
Question from the Internet:
“What do you think about positive and negative energy?”
I am not sure what “good vs. bad” energy means. But the world is comprised of opposite forces interacting with each other. Everything in reality is made of so-called positive and negative forces. Life is impossible without the finely balanced interactions between them.
From Nature’s point of view there is no difference between the so-called positive or negative forces, since both are neede in a totally equal measure. Moreover, in Nature nothing is obsolete, both the positive and the negative is needed to perform their crucially important and irreplaceable function.
From our own, inherently egocentric, subjective and individualistic viewpoint we label things, energies and processes positive or negative according to our 100%, instinctively self-serving, self-justifying and introverted calculations and measurements. Moreover, all through history we have been trying to suppress and eliminate whatever we deem negative or disliked by ourselves.
All our “moral” and “ethical” codes, our legal systems and everything else in society is based on these totally arbitrary calculations and understanding of reality. And nothing will change as long as we continue our instinctive and blind existence based on our egocentric and subjective viewpoint and consciousness.
This is a shame not to mention self-destructive, since without a totally selfless and thus objective point of view we can’t comprehend, let alone solve any of our problems. Instead, we keep “kicking the can down the road” and fool ourselves that we have “solutions” and we have sciences that can map reality and Nature for us.
Our actual evolutionary Human role and purpose in Nature is to develop a totally selfless, independent and transparent viewpoint of reality. From that truly Human viewpoint we will be able to discern the all-encompassing positive and negative forces and processes in the world and we will be able to hold them in our hands and comprehension like two reins in between which we will be able to attain reality “from one extreme to the other”.
Then, as soon as we stopped jusdging reality from our egocentric and subjective point of view, we will also fully understand, moreover viscerally feel that there is nothing “good or bad” in Natural reality, not even in people, since all qualities and characterists and forces are necessary to create and sustain life. Everything is purposeful and necessary.