Perceiving perfection

Zsolt Hermann
Jul 12, 2021


Question from the Internet:

“Do you believe that we are a visible part of a potentially finite invisible realm?”

We are potentially the only conscious, objective observers of a so far unseen, perfect, infinite and eternal realm.

If we methodically develop a truly selfless, altruistic, objective viewpoint by “dissolving" into others, experiencing, observing reality through a transparent, unconditional service and love of others, we liberate ourselves from our inherently limited, distorted, egocentric and subjective limitations.

And then we start to perceive reality beyond time and space, attaining it’s absolute perfection while still living “here and now", in our present biological bodies.

Reaching this observer status, consciously, without any doubt justifying reality as perfect, is our actual, evolutionary Human purpose in life.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.