Peaceful coexistence

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMar 18, 2023


Question from the Internet:

“Is peaceful coexistence always necessary?”

“Peaceful coexistence” is necessary for life to exist. When we look at the cells of our biological body, for example, we can see that although there is constant turmoil, destruction, and rebuilding, the constant fight against potentially harmful “intruders”, an overall and general “peace” — wholeness or mutual complementation — is the foundation of health and life.

On a larger scope, we can see the same in nature. Although predators eat their prey and seasons change and there is death and life, the whole system, in general, remains within very narrow and optimal parameters and general homeostasis — each element and part knowing their boundaries and roles within the system, in order to life could be created, promoted and developed.

“True peace” does not mean a lack of differences, arguments, disputes, or competition. But when there is “peaceful coexistence” in a closed, integrated living system, all the arguments, differences, and competitions become purposeful and balanced, all serving the general purpose, goal, and collective survival of the whole system.

We have to learn this “peaceful coexistence” from nature, so we could all retain our uniqueness and opinions, we could all find our deserved and irreplaceable, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing places and roles within the system, but we all devote everything to maintain the general balance and homeostasis for the most optimal function and health of the whole system.

“Peaceful coexistence” is something very dynamic and needs constant renewal and maintenance. Our predetermined Human role and purpose in the system is to become the natural systems’ only fully conscious element, that can oversee and guarantee the maintenance of “peaceful coexistence”.

This is why we are the only parts of nature that have to learn what this general balance and “peaceful coexistence actually means and how we need to sustain it.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.