Passover 2020: Leaving Egypt, but this time all of us, together!
At the moment Jews all over the world are celebrating the Holiday of Passover.
The literal script of the Holiday tells about the Hebrew slaves who escape their slavery in Egypt with the leadership of Moses after much hardship and the ten plagues to the Egyptian and the Pharaoh after which the Pharaoh relents and let’s Moses and his people to go.
But as wise sages explain, the story is actually the symbolic interpretation of inner changes we all have to go through, first realizing that we are all slaves to our inherently egotistic, selfish, individualistic and hateful nature, which causes all our recurring, vicious historic cycles, the worsening crisis situations, all the individual, national and global problems.
Then when we had enough of this slavery to the ego, and at the same time receive worsening blows because of the ego, we reach the true need, desire to learn another way of life, that is based on selfless, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation, exactly how the “runaway Hebrews” became a Nation at Sinai (which means hate in Hebrew), above individual differences, despite the remaining mutual distrust, animosity.
Global Humanity today is at the threshold of this transition, as we won’t be able to solve our global problems and survive in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system with our egotistic, individualistic instincts, original program. Our Human paradigm was already heading for global calamities even before the virus came.
The question is if the “blow of the virus” and the lessons we can learn from it is enough, so at least a “critical mass” of Humanity starts the necessary changes, rebuild process towards a better, integral Human socio-economic system and collective survival?!