Overpopulation is not the real problem
Question from the Internet:
“An article in the Lancet suggests the world’s population might peak at 9.64 billion in the year 2064 before decreasing to around 6.88 billion. Is that likely, and what are the consequences if it does?”
Well, for starters it will silence those who suggest that we need to “cull” human population because our only problem is overpopulation.
In truth we don’t even know what the ideal human population on Earth is, everything we determine is arbitrary. But we do know that we are all excessively overconsuming, way beyond our necessities.
Thus our consumption footprint is much more significant than how many people live in the world.
If we learned what our true natural necessities are according to available resources, if we reached a certain level of similarity with Nature’s integral system through consciously, methodically integrating with each other, then we would also understand what our Human purpose is in the system, how we could partner Nature.
Then, by observing the system from within it would become like an open book for us we could read, control as if we ourselves created it.