Overjoyed while tasting the “taste of dust.”
By birth, we can only feel and taste only what our five physical senses detect from the “external world.” These five physical senses — and our “personal computer” that receives and computes the sensory — input are set up and programmed to filter out everything that is not useful for the inherently and 100% egocentric and subjective “pleasure/pain” calculation we live by.
We cannot think, calculate, or act in another way but draw ourselves closer to ever-increasing personal pleasures while distancing ourselves from any personal pain and suffering.
We have no idea or comprehension of “absolute or unblemished truth; we never have objective “facts.”
“Truth or false” for us equals what is “sweet or bitter” for our egocentric, individualistic, and subjective “pleasure/pain” calculations.
This inherent way of life locks us into ourselves. We feel the whole Universe as a playground that revolves around us, where everything and everybody exists only to serve our own necessities and desires according to our inwardly oriented viewpoint.
In truth, this inherent programming — we all blindly and instinctively follow every second of our lives — makes us exist and behave like cancer. We try to consume and obtain everything possible for ourselves — according to our actual abilities and conditions — while we constantly collide, ruthlessly compete, and fight one another. We exist and prosper at each other’s expense.
The only difference between people is the ability and actual condition to execute this inner program to its maximum extent. This renders humanity into a pyramid shape, with the most able, ruthless, and hungrier egotists and exploiters on top and the rest underneath them.
On the other hand, as it becomes more and more obvious in our generation, this endless pursuit of self-fulfillment and access at the expense of others does not make us happy.
The more affluent, successful, and powerful people are, the hungrier, emptier, and angrier they become.
Substance abuse, suicide, and violent actions against others are more prevalent among those who seemingly have everything — except a truly Human purpose for their lives.
The more possessions, success, wealth, and power people can acquire, the more they realize how meaningless their lives actually are.
This is because — besides installing the original cancer-like operating software in us — nature’s evolution also installed a different, so far dormant software in us that is now awakening in more and more people.
This different, “natural” operating software is driving us towards our truly Human purpose evolution determined for us.
This truly Human purpose is completely opposite to our original software. In our final, perfect evolution state, we are obligated to become like healthy cells in a single, living Human organism, where we all exist and act only for the sake of others and the whole system.
This unique, singular living Human organism is also destined to become the most important, conscious element in nature’s all-encompassing — but otherwise unconscious — system.
Through a special, purposeful, and practical method, we can learn how to rise above our original instinctive software and acquire a completely different “upgrade” that enables us — above and against our original nature — to become healthy elements in the singular, mutually integrated and mutually complementing Human “superorganism.”
As a result of this unprecedented, willing, and conscious mutual integration, we also give birth to a collective Human consciousness and intellect — in contrast to the original egocentric, subjective, and individualistic consciousness and intellect that remains as a helpful contrast — that will “crown” nature’s system with a benevolent, altruistic and mutually partnering mind.
This is our predetermined and obligatory Human purpose in nature’s evolution, and achieving this purpose is the only true meaning of our lives.
This is something we need to achieve consciously and willingly with the help of a unique method that allows us to start existing and behaving above and against our inherent nature.
As mentioned before, inherently, “truth or false” equals selfish and subjective “sweet or bitter” from our viewpoint.
With the help of a unique method, we will have to learn and practice how we can change this original perception in a way that we arrive at a new viewpoint and perception that gives us the real “truth or false” viewpoint and perception.
Real “truth or false” exists “outside of me.” It exists beyond my original egocentric, selfish, subjective, and individualistic cocoon.
Instead of the original sense of “sweet or bitter,” I need to accept and taste a new “sweetness” that is unrelated to my original egotistic, subjective, and individualistic interest.
In order to find a handle and grasp something that is “outside of myself,” I need special, mutually committed, and mutually supportive cooperation with others who also aim at the same result.
We have to build a closed, methodically conducted environment where each and every person pledges to try to sense and fulfill the desires and needs of others, according to their viewpoints, without any originally egotistic and subjective bias.
The moment such a mutual process starts, the inherent ego awakens and starts acting the opposite way, making all possible open and concert efforts to derail the mutual efforts in the group.
The more the participants try to interconnect and fulfill each other selflessly and unconditionally, the more the ego paints those others in a negative and dark light while also awakening all kinds of physical desires and temptations to draw the participants back into their original egotistic and individualistic cocoons.
This is a truly “supernatural process,” where the participants need to draw on themselves previously dormant and unseen forces and abilities so they can detach themselves from the control of their egos.
They have to choose what is “sweet” to the others, which is obviously “bitter” for their own egos.
They have to choose to sense and serve the desires and needs of others at least as much or even more than how they sense and fulfill their own desires and needs.
Unique empirical natural scientists — who have been studying human nature and nature’s all-encompassing system for millennia and who went through this process themselves — describe this state of choosing things and agreeing to things that “taste like dust.”
These brave and mutually committed participants of the special environment — who act like the fully committed commando — have to make such efforts that they reach an unprecedented and very sharp breaking point.
At this breaking point, they recognize without any doubt that by their own efforts and forces, they are utterly incapable of acting through this “taste of dust” where the selfless and unconditional love and service of others have to become more important than their original self-love — where they automatically and unconditionally serve and fulfill their own needs and desires.
Through their mutual efforts and aspirations, constantly making their collective goal ever-greater in their eyes, they build an irrepressible and unquenchable yearning to detach themselves from the ego’s control and start sensing and fulfilling each other as they sense and fulfill themselves by default. On the other hand, they are totally convinced that reaching that state is utterly impossible.
In this intolerable and unbreakable tension, a “true prayer” or irrepressible lack and need bursts out of them.
They want and demand help — from whatever source — so they would become able to accept the “taste of dust” and start loving and serving each other while the ego suffers.
They do not want “sweetness” for themselves; they do not expect any reward for this “supernatural” love and service. They simply ask for the ability to start existing and acting beyond “inherent human ability.”
As a result of this true and unconditional request and need, they receive help from unique developmental forces in nature that are ready to assist any nature-like mutual integration in the system.
As mentioned above, in nature’s evolutionary program, humanity’s conscious and proactive mutual integration is “written” and predetermined. Thus, when a group of human beings starts a proactive process towards this mutual integration, and they develop a true need and aspiration for this mutual integration to unfold above and against their original desires and instincts, these natural forces immediately provide assistance.
As a result of this assistance, first of all, the participants start to feel that their efforts to connect, sense, and fulfill the desires of each other more than they sense and fulfill their own desires become successful.
They clearly feel that they are acting and doing things they were unable to do before while concomitantly still feeling the ego’s resistance and the “taste of dust” they felt before.
However, now, despite the suppering and resistance of the ego, despite the “taste of dust in their mouth,” they became able to integrate and sense each other.
At this initial stage, they still cannot actually fulfill each other, but they already feel liberated from the ego’s constant governance. They feel as if they were “lifted above the ground,” in a unique freedom from the harmful ego, in constant fear that the ego might pull them back into that “earthly egoism and separation from others.”
This is still not a state of “true love” where they can already fulfill the needs and desires of others. However, this is already a pure, transparent state where the notion of “do not cause” harm already exists between them.
They still do not feel the true joy and happiness that exists in the system — which is the true joy of totally selfless and unconditional love and service of others, where the individual disappears and dissolves into the existence of perfectly serving and fulfilling everything and everybody else “outside of one’s self.”
However, this state of liberation from the ego already gives a glimpse into the full potential of existing “outside of one’s self” for the sake of others and the whole system and thus experiencing the true, unlimited, and eternal happiness of love and bestowal.