Overcoming our anxiety, fear about changing towards a new future
Although many people understand that our old/present life, Human system is wrong and self-destructive, as soon as discussions start about not returning to it, building a new life, new Human society, people become extremely unsettled, anxious and most can hardly wait to return to something we know, even if it bad.
I fully sympathize with them.
I can see on my own family members how unsettled, concerned, anxious they become at the thought of not being able to return to the “old life” even if they agree that we need to change as the “old life” was not sustainable.
This is a truly “schizophrenic” situation, on one hand logically understanding, saying that we lived an inhumane, artificial life that has no future in Nature’s harmonious, integral, interdependent system, and that our old/present socio-economic system was already crumbling before the virus. And it is another thing embarking on a fundamental, life-changing transition, where we seemingly lose what we relied on before, while we do not see anything concrete, solid about what is ahead of us since we are shifting to an unprecedented, completely new state.
This is why it is extremely important that we start using a unique, purposeful and practical educational method, which does not only appeal to the intellect, but it provides immediate, positive, emotional impressions, providing confidence, trust that helps us move forward.
It is very similar to the situation when people can’t get out of abusive relationships even if given the chance, as “the devil we know” is better than the “devil” we do not know. Although we are suffering, at least we know what is happening to us day after day, we already got used to this, seemingly we can live like this forever. We are creatures of habit and we simply detest change, unless we know exactly what we change to, we can already imagine ourselves in the new situation like meticulously planning a journey ahead.
But this time we can’t plan this way since the new “world” we need to move towards to, is built on very different foundations, selfless, altruistic connections, serving, loving others as ourselves while giving up all the artificial, harmful excesses that became part of our lives. And even if we say that we have to do this according to the laws of Nature we have to keep to survive, this can’t help us until we can feel those laws, their consequences “on our own flesh”
Only a strong, mutually supportive, mutually complementing environment can pull us out of the bad habit, pointing us towards a better, greater, happier future. This is what the unique educational method has to and can provide to Humanity, which Humanity right now wants to return to the old, “abusive relationship” with the inherent Human ego, instead of using this unique opportunity to escape and run towards a potentially much better, but unknown future.
This unique educational method can give people immediate, positive, reassuring emotional impressions, trust in the method and in each other. These emotional impressions — together with a clear, scientific explanation about the reasons — can help us overcome the instinctive fear, anxiety through this uncertain, unprecedented transition, letting go of the crumbling, increasingly unstable old, step by step crossing over to a much better, qualitatively much higher collective future we do not know yet.