Our youth need the right education, only then can they help their community

Zsolt Hermann
Dec 10, 2020


Question from the Internet:

“What role do you think youths can play in improving their local community?”

Of course youth need to play a huge role in improving the local and wider community, especially in our time when the previous and present generation created a completely aimless, self-consuming, self-destructing “zero society".

But the youth need the right upbringing, education in order to become capable of changing, improving things. The present “education”, societal influence is symbolically and literally killing the youth, turning them into zombies, driving them to addictive substances, depression, suicide.

Thus it is urgently important to introduce a completely different, “truly Human", integral education, preparing our youth (and everybody else) to life in a fully integrated, interdependent, global Human society, with Human values, goals replacing the present artificial, inhumane ones.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.