Our weakness is our disunity
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
Our enemies know our greatest weakness, and they ruthlessly exploit it.
Our greatest weakness is our disunity, how we are ready to go against each other at any given opportunity, how we always blame and undermine each other and even ask for “external help” in defeating our brothers.
This Jewish trait is not new; we have suffered from it all throughout our history.
This is what our sages called the “unfounded hatred” that reached its peak before the Second Temple was destroyed.
The real tragedy is that we have the tried and tested remedy against this instinctive hatred between us but we keep forgetting about the remedy and do not use it.
Again, to cite our sages, we need a unique “love” to cover the unfounded hate with it, which “love” is also “unfounded” as it has no foundation in the inherently selfish, egotistic, individualistic, and exploitative human nature.
This is a “love” we need to learn and implement again and again above and against our inherent nature.
Only when we keep covering the ever-present and erupting mutual hate with this “supernatural” love will we have a protective shield against our enemies and become successful in everything we do — especially showing humanity how to counter and survive the cancer-like human ego that destroys everything.