Our unsustainable Human system has no right to survive
Question from the Internet:
“What are the unsustainable development goals?”
Basically what we are learning now the hard way is, that anything that goes beyond the optimal parameters of natural necessaries, available resources - finely, dynamically sustained by Nature’s laws of mutual integration - is unsustainable.
Which means that our present Human system - built on reckless, excessive overconsumption, ruthless competition, success, survival at each other’s and Nature’s expense - has no right to exist and thus it is now collapsing.
And it doesn’t matter how much we stubbornly want to revive this unnatural Human paradigm, we won’t be able to return to it, Nature’s laws won’t let us.
So it is very important that we learn - through a unique, purposeful and practical educational method - how to rebuild Human society on the integral templates, blueprints of Nature in order to safeguard our continuing, collective Human survival.