Our truly Human evolution starts only now!
An opinion from the Internet about Humanity’s present state:
“We as humans are evolved beings on planet. Planet has so many expectations on us so that it left it’s well-being to willingness of human beings. We took this privilege for grant of ego and started hurting the planet itself. So far what’s happening on this planet is just a warning signal from our mother. If we don’t drop our stupid identities and work for collective well-being, the same place which supposed to be our heaven will become hell.
Our past is just a garbage from previous generations. If we use it as manure, we grow into new potential. If we identify with it, we will be extended BS. Being consious is the only way to go from garbage to manure for our growth. If we consiously see around, most man made creation in this world makes no sense. Everything that’s been created by man on this planet first has been created in his mind.
If our minds would have worked properly, all humanity would be happy in their well-being. But what’s happened is immense human suffering which resulted in other species suffering. Overall it became planet suffering. The only way to move forward is inclusiveness. I hope we will move in this direction soon enough and especially before it’s too late.”
Yes, I fully agree with you.
This also means that our actual Human evolution starts only now. So far we have been only through a long preparation phase, blindly, instinctively using our inherent egos.
And now that we start to understand that this way we will inevitably self-destruct as cancer, more and more people are awakening from the automatic, robotic existence searching for answers, becoming sensitive for the need to change.
And then - through the right, purposeful and practical educational method we can actively, consciously start our final phase of Human development, to become “truly Human” - meaning similar to Nature by integrating among ourselves and through that integrating with Nature.
And since we do that consciously, proactively, above and against our instinctive program, we will acquire a fully aware, insider view of Nature’s perfection.