Our present knowledge serves only our need for control
Question from the Internet:
““Is it correct to assert that humans only seek knowledge as they crave control?””
It is correct. We are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and individualistic nature.
We are programmed with a worldview and perception of reality, that can’t even see of comprehend anything beyond the sphere of subjective self-interest. We gather and assess information only to serve ourselves and to succeed at the expense of others. Whatever we invent or create is only to help us control, manipulate, exploit and destroy others – even with medicine and food.
So our “knowledge” – that is actually very superficial and misguided since we gather “knowledge” through our 100% egocentric, subjective and individualistic scope and perception of reality – is only serving our need to control and consume everything and everybody.
We can attain true knowledge and understanding of the world only when we totally change our attitude and approach to the world around us. Only when we achieve similarity with nature’s totally selfless, mutually responsible and mutually complementing modus operandi can we actually understand and use nature to its fullest potential. But then we will not use this knowledge to control or exploit anymore, we will use our knowledge to keep the fundamental balance and homeostasis life depends on.