Our only free choice is choosing the environment that shapes us
Question from the Internet:
“Is it often inevitable that if you are regularly exposed to a certain opinion for long enough, you will begin to shift towards it?”
Yes, it is inevitable. This is exactly how political propaganda and marketing works. And since today even the entertainment industry and journalism have been recruited for the purposes of influencing public opinion, we are all part of a Matrix which “guides” us towards very specific directions, agendas we cannot escape from.
Goebbels said famously that a lie often repeated becomes the truth. And since then all politicians, movements have been applying his principles.
Basically the whole fabric, ideology, program of global society today is based on often repeated lines which we have all come to accept as truth. And this belief has become so strong that we are ready to expel, destroy anybody who dares to question the lies, purging all who do not want to follow the dogma, restrict the freedom of speech for those not ascribing to “political correctness”.
As in the movie “Matrix”, the only way to disconnect from the “Matrix” is through a closed, strong, mutually supportive and mutually complementing environment, that can shield us from the external brainwashing through a different kind of value system, influence. But we cannot escape being the products of the environment we exist in, and if we escape the Human environment to the “jungle” there we become like animals.
Thus the only free choice a person has is choosing the environment that will shape the person.