Our inherent “attitude problem”

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMar 23, 2023


Question from the Internet:

“What is an attitude problem and its causes?’

We are all born with an “attitude problem”. Our inherent attitude towards everybody and everything in life is self-serving, self-justifying and exploitative. We feel as if the Unievrse revolved around us and everything and everybody – even “God” if we believe in one – existed only to constantly fulfill our needs and desires.

This is because we are born without a sense of belonging, and a sense of “mutual guarantee” that is prevalent in nature’s mutually integrated and interdependent system.

In nature, all elements and parts automatically and instinctively feel they belong to the system, they know their unique, mutually complementing roles and they also automatically receive everything they need and deserve to fulfill that role.

Human beings feel separated from everything and everybody, with an instinctive need to survive in a hostile world at the expense of others and nature.

Thus this “attitude problem” is programmed in us, and it is present in each and every human being to a certain extent, in some more obviously than in others. It is not our fault, it comes with that inherent sense of separation from everything and everybody we are born with.

What we see today in human society – everywhere in the world – that this inherent “attitude problem” is literally killing us. If we do not learn how create a nature-like “mutual guarantee” in global human society, where each individual starts acting like a healthy cell in the mutually integrated “living organism” of humanity, we will not survive, neither individually, nor collectively.

This requires a special, purposeful and highly practical method, through which we can learn how to trust, accept one another to such a degree, that we will be able to build the necessary, selfless and unconditional, mutually supportive and mutually complementing integration between us our survival depends on.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.