Our gender is not a construct, we received it from Nature
Question from the Internet:
“Has the construct of gender been more beneficial or more harmful to humanity throughout history?”
Your question beautifully illustrate the great problem, difficulty young people and their parents are finding themselves in in our times.
Gender is not a “construct". Our gender comes from Nature. Everything in Nature is organised along “male/female" forces, forms, and the mutual combination, cooperation of them creates, sustains life.
We don’t have any choice about our natural gender, we don’t construct it but we receive it from Nature.
Now, what roles genders play in our totally artificial Human society, how we view, use, accept or not accept our natural gender is a construct, it is the result of our totally misguided, confused view of Nature and if ourselves and the values, aspirations we created.
And today’s “politically correct", so-called progressive dogma — which is being forced on us right now — says that it is ok to question and change our gender as we like, even changing back and forth, while playing with it as if changing clothes.
This is causing tremendous damage in the psyche, mental and physical health of young people, this contributes to destroying the classical family model that used to be the founding block of a normal society.
It is true that there are people who naturally reject the gender they were born with, who naturally feel they don’t belong to the “animal, biological body" they were born into. But today’s overwhelming, almost obligatory push to normalize gender change as if it was something easy and liberating “anybody can try", causes very great damage — which of course we deny.
This is just one of the side effect of today’s narcissistic, self-obsessed, self-absorbed lifestyle when we think we can find happiness in ourselves, by changing, augmenting our bodies, constantly focusing on ourselves.
And as a result we just become even more unhappy, depressed, we run to drugs, blind entertainment, total disconnection from “normal" life to survive day to day — which of course we deny.
We need a completely different upbringing, education that can teach us that true fullfilment, happiness can only be found in positive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing Human relationships.
Even who we are, what we are can become clear only through such mutual relationships, as we all find our most optimal, mutually caring, mutually complementing role, function — when we are focusing on others instead of focusing on ourselves.
We will become most happy only, when we managed to completely forget about ourselves and we exist through the desires, viewpoints of other people, as that is the only way to liberate ourselves from our destructive, selfish egos!