Our creativity can’t change our perception of reality
Question from the Internet:
How does being creative change how you perceive the world?
I am not sure if it helps. By default we perceive the world in an inherently egocentric, subjective way, sensing only things that are important for our instinctively self-serving, self-justifying existence, calculations.
Thus we see only a very limited, distorted, introverted sliver of reality. Our own creativity can’t liberate us from this egocentric prison, as it would simply work with the same limited, distorted picture we see right now.
And it is the same with all the philosophies, science, methods, ideologies and systems we have built with our original consciousness, perception.
In order to change our perception and start seeing the world as it is, we would need to develop a completely selfless, objective viewpoint without any egocentric, subjective distortion, bias.
And while it might sound impossible, there is an actual, purposeful and highly practical method that was developed only for this reason, to help us see reality in its totality perfection. For that we can’t really use our creativity as the method follows very strict cause and effect processes that are based on Nature’s unchanging, strict laws.