Our chances of survival depend on the right education
Question from the Internet:
“What are humanity’s chances of seeing the rest of this decade?”
Our chances depend on the right education, nothing else.
We can already see that helplessly, stubbornly trying to change things, solve problems with the usual political, economic, social or military means is hopeless and we just make everything even worse.
We are helpless and hopeless because we don’t understand or want to ignore what the real problem is.
And the real problem is the our inherently selfish, egocentric, subjective and incessantly overconsuming nature is incompatible with the globally integrated, interdependent system Nature’s evolution forced is into.
We can’t survive in this system without positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation.
This is why we urgently need a unique, purposeful and highly practical “Integral Education" that can help us understand and feel what our inevitable interdependence means.
Then we can also learn how we can survive by adapting ourselves to our unchangeable evolutionary conditions through conscious mutual integration above everything that rejects us from each other.