Only the right education can cure us from our inherent addiction for more!
Question from the Internet:
“Why hasn’t the world woken up to what is happening to the environmental damage humans are doing and can the problems be solved?”
We have woken up to the fact that we are destroying nature.
Don’t get sidetracked by the media and some of the leading politicians dismissing our responsibility for the harm we are causing to the Natural environment.
The problem is much more serious. Even if we know that we are causing damage to Nature and by that we are endangering our own survival, we can’t stop.
With our inherent nature which is driven by an insatiable, irrepressible desire for selfish fulfillment, regardless of the negative consequences, we are like drug or alcohol addicts. The more we get the more we want and even when we already see the mortal danger of how we live we can’t stop.
This inherent problem can’t be solved by political, economic, social means, not even with green/environmental activism, as it doesn’t matter what we decide, implement, what we protest against, as long as our inherent nature remains unchanged we will remain “addicted” to excessive overconsuming, always wanting more.
This is why it is so easy to brainwash us, keep us in the consumer “Matrix” by the sophisticated marketing, entertainment industry and through the mass media.
This is why the only solution is a very special, purposeful and highly practical educational method, which could help us to upgrade, complement our inherent program - that can’t be suppressed or erased - with Nature’s integral qualities, by rebuilding Human society, Human relationships based on Nature’s template.