Only the connections between us need fixing!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJun 24, 2020


The single most important issue we face in society is fixing the relationships, interconnections between individuals and nations.

While we are all fully interconnected, moreover integrated on multiple levels, and now we exist in a totally interdependent world — like being locked on the same sinking boat — we still try to use the inevitable global connections for egotistic, selfish purposes, succeeding and surviving at each other’s expense.

And this kind of attitude relationship makes us behave exactly like cancer.

This is why we can’t solve the mounting global problems, this is why each of our “solutions” just makes everything worse, this is why we are also at war with Nature and sleepwalk towards seemingly inevitable doom.

We have to correct, upgrade the interconnections between us by copying into Human society the perfect, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation that is prevalent in Nature’s integral system. Only such connections can safeguard the crucially important balance and homeostasis life and optimal development depend on — like in between the cells and organs of our own bodies.

If we learned how to build Natural integration in Human societies above and against our inherent tendencies, instinctive urges, we could achieve an unprecedented integration with nature through the acquired similarity with it.

And the fact that we have to achieve this above and against our egos gives us the unparalleled Human ability to consciously research, observe and justify nature’s perfection “from within” while still holding onto an individual, objective viewpoint.

And through the integration between us and into Nature we would become able to tangibly, realistically sense Nature’s “circle of life”, a state of consciousness, perception of reality that is beyond, unlimited by the egocentric, subjective limitations of time, space ad physical motion.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.