Only education can help us shift Human development to a positive, conscious path
Question from the Internet:
“What have you seen lately that has the capability to impact the course of human civilization?”
Human civilization has been going through a blind, instinctive development for millennia. We are all driven by a ruthless, 100% egotistic, self-serving, self-justifying nature that makes us exploit others, survive at the expense of others and Nature.
This is why Human history is a chain of helplessly recurring, vicious, historic cycles, while in our generation we stumble from crisis to crisis towards a seemingly inevitable self-destruction.
The only thing that has the capability to impact this blind, hopeless course is a unique, purposeful and highly practical education.
The right, educational method could help us rise above the usually instinctive, “cancer-like” reactions, attitude towards a very different, “Nature-like”, selfless, altruistic development through mutual integration we can learn from Nature.