Only a true mutual guarantee can help us!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
Israel’s unwavering value of life: The rescue of hostages and fallen soldiers — opinion
My comment:
It is commendable that we want to save each and every member of the nation as if they were our own children.
It is amazing that we want to go after each and every individual who fell captive.
On the other hand, we also have to relearn and gradually implement the “original constitution” of the Nation of Israel which is the proverbial “mutual guarantee” our predecessors pledged to when the Nation was formed.
This “mutual guarantee” means that each member of the nation exists for the sake of the whole “as one man with one heart,” and no individual can be more important than the Nation itself.
This also means that we cannot encounter any situation where the whole or the majority is disadvantaged or even sacrificed for the sake of an individual or the minority.
Since we are all born with an inherently egocentric, individualistic, self-serving, and self-justifying nature, since the Western culture we aspire for is based on the “sanctity of the individual,” this “mutual guarantee” is extremely difficult to accept.
However, we are not talking about ethics, social contracts, or even religious dogma here. Our original “mutual guarantee” was based on the intimate knowledge of nature’s fundamental laws that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on.
We can survive only when the most optimal state and unity of nation superseeds any egocentric, personal or subjective calculations.
Only when we behave this way can we truly protect our children and overcome our enemies.