No ideology, system can help us until we all change ourselves
Question from the Internet:
“If neoliberalism were to end, how would we know?”
When something becomes exactly what it preaches against, then we know it has run its course.
In our times, especially in the last few years “neoliberalism” has become totally discriminative, hateful, inciting, dogmatic, restricting free speech, aggressive and threatening.
This is not their fault of course.
They simply became the victim of the inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and exploitative Human nature that drives, corrupts all of us and everything we devise or build.
We have managed to distort by now the most optimal looking Human system built on liberal, parliamentary democracy and free market capitalism, while all other previous or present systems are doing even worse.
It is completely irrelevant what we follow, believe in, what ideologies, systems we try, until we start recognizing and correcting our inherently self-destructive, harmful Human nature, we will continue the helplessly recurring, vicious historic cycles that have already caused so much damage, and are now threatening our own civilization, as we are proudly, stubbornly, defiantly marching towards a global meltdown.