No good leaders can grow out of a sick society!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
We continue to keep focusing on leaders and politicians, and this is a mistake.
We keep forgetting that politicians and leaders grow out of society.
And from a sick, divided society, where everybody cares only about themselves, where “unfounded hatred” overcomes unity and mutual guarantee even when we are fighting an existential war, we can’t expect to have “good leaders” who can unite and truly lead the Nation.
Instead of constantly finding scapegoats, we all have to take responsibility for ourselves.
“What have I done to promote unity and mutual guarantee?” “How much did I manage to rise above personal interest and my subjective views in order to facilitate agreements and build connections above divisions?”
Unless we all relearn and practice what the original Jewish unity and mutual guarantee meant, how can we start existing and behaving above and against our instinctive urges and mutual distrust? Nothing good will happen, and we will continue recycling our conflicts and crisis situations!