Nature’s laws stand behind globalization
Question from the Internet:
“Who is behind globalization and why?”
I honestly do not know what “globalism” stands for and what “globalists” want.
On the other hand, Nature’s lawful system and Nature’s deterministic evolution obligate us to exist in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world, where in effect we all become like single cells in a single, fully and mutually integrated living organism.
It is not something we can debate, refuse or ignore, as Nature’s strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws and evolution’s relentless drive towards ever-more optimal integration will force us to yield regardless of what we think or want. Thus if we do not cooperate, it will be worsening crisis, wars, socio-economic collapse and unprecedented natural catastrophes that will force us to change and adapt.
Fortunately, we can also choose a wiser, conscious and purposeful path of learning how to change and adapt ourselves to Nature’s system — above and against our inherently selfish, egocentric and individualistic nature.
The moment we recognize Nature’s system, its laws and its evolution behind what we have to do, we do not need to sink into our misguided and arbitrary ideologies, philosophies, systems and religions that divide us and incite us against one another. When we all recognize Nature behind our existence and everything we are obliged to do, we will be able to unite and work together above our diversity and differences of opinions.