Nature works differently from Human systems, it aims at balance, homeostasis
Opinion from the Internet about transactions:
“You always have to pay somewhere, transactional laws run a lot more fundamental I think than realized.
It's always what you can't or do not wish to see - if everyone walks away from a transaction happy there MUST be negative externalities or a deferred cost, or maybe you are realizing deferred benefit.”
This is true according to our inherently self-centered, exploitative Human mind, calculations.
But in Nature’s system — we are also an integral part of — everything moves, develops towards balance, homeostasis, where we can reach an equilibrium where “everybody” (Nature’s elements) is happy with the transactions.
This is because “everybody” makes calculations not for self-benefit, not in order to trick, exploit, overcome others, but to actually help, serve others selflessly, unconditionally in order to mutually contribute to the sustenance of the general balance, homeostasis.
In such a natural system that works based on “mutual guarantee," we benefit twice, once when we receive what we need from others, but also from the chance, ability to fulfill others and safeguard the balance, as we consider the whole system as our own.
Now this is totally alien to Humans according to our inherent software, we can’t even comprehend such a scenario. On the other hand, Nature will pressure is to make Human society compatible, similar to Nature’s integral template whether we agree to it or not.
Thus if we are wise we will start changing, adapting ourselves consciously, proactively, methodically, before increasing blows, intolerable suffering will force us.