Nature or nurture?
Opinion from the Internet about the root cause of our present behaviour:
“”We are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, “greedy/overconsuming” nature, and we all thrive on ruthless competition, succeeding at the expense of others.“
I beg to differ. It’s nurture not nature.”
I agree with you if it’s not easy to isolate the cause and effect.
But at the end of the day where do we get the “nurture” from? From upbringing, education, from the values, influence of the society.
Who builds the society? We do, according to the nature we are born with.
Nature precedes nurture. And it is the nature in us that we need to change if we want true changes, as with the upgraded, corrected nature we can build a new environment, society with new education and influence which can provide a different nurture.
If we want to change society, governance, economics without changing Human nature, we will continue with the same recurring vicious cycles.