Nature does not give us individual freedom
Question from the Internet:
“Is the freedom of one person limited by the freedom of another one?”
Since we evolved into a globally integrated, fully interdependent world, we do not have the imagined personal, individual freedom we usually dream about.
We are instead like individual cells of a single body, where we are all absolutely, irrevocably responsible for one another. the so-called butterfly effect works with full force, as with every move, action, or even though we immediately influence the whole system.
It does not matter that we abhor, try to ignore, or reject this scenario, driven by our inherently, proudly individualistic, egocentric, subjective consciousness, viewpoint. nature’s evolution did not ask for our consent before creating our global, integral conditions.
And if we do not learn consciously how to adapt to these conditions, Nature will keep pushing, pressing us until the worsening crisis, natural catastrophes, intolerable suffering will “convince us” to change.
But we can forego and prevent such negative scenarios by consciously learning, understanding what such global, integral, interdependent conditions require from us. With the help of a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method we can understand and feel our interdependence and we can also tangibly sense how much better a Nature-like human society would work for all of us.
By rising above our egotistic, individualistic, exploitative, “cancer-like” instincts, by building an unprecedented Human “superorganism” we can elevate our collective human existence to a qualitatively much higher, truly infinite and “eternal” level, by liberating ourselves from any egocentric, subjective limitations like time, space and physical motion.