Mutual integration, unconditional service, love of others shouldn’t feel like a sacrifice!
Question from the Internet:
“Do you think society’s citizens should sometimes be expected to make sacrifices (give something up) to put the good of the society above the wishes of the individual? Why or why not? Please give examples.”
Yes and no.
First of all, in order to exist, survive in a world that has become fully integrated, interdependent — where we have practically became like cells of the same body — we will need to make calculations, efforts for the well-being, benefit of the whole collective, above and against instinctive, egotistic self-interest.
But this doesn’t have to feel like a sacrifice!
Through a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method, we can learn, moreover we can come to feel the very obvious, “no-brainer” benefit of conscious, willing integration with others.
If we understand and feel that in a global, integral world the benefit, health, success and survival of the individual is intricately intertwined with the benefit, health, success and survival of the whole collective, then we won’t sense this selfless, altruistic mutual integration as a sacrifice.
We will do it happily, willingly, knowing, feeling that by that we rise to a qualitatively much higher, collective, “truly Human" (Nature-like) existence.