Mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation are the basis of life
Question from the Internet:
“What are the benefits of cooperation in the whole universe?”
Mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation and integration are the basis of life. When we look at our own biological body, for example, our life depends on the finely balanced, constantly renewed, selfless cooperation between all the cells, organs and systems that have only one function: to create and sustain life.
When we switch from the “micro” level to a higher level on the scale of humanity, we would need to observe the exact same cooperation between individual human beings — but we do not see that.
Human beings by default behave closer to the destructive cancer cells that do not cooperate, but ruthlessly and seemingly recklessly consume everything for their own sake until they destroy the host and with it themselves.
If we rise to an even higher level, observing Nature’s integral system and the whole Universe, the original, selfless mutual integration we observe in our own bodies is restored — after all, without the general balance and homeostasis, this cooperation establishes and maintains life would not be possible.
So how can we explain this very obvious and sharp “glitch” in relation to humanity, the only part in the known Universe that does not operate by Nature’s laws of mutual integration?
Humanity has a very special role to fulfil in the system. All other parts of the Universe mutually integrate instinctively, automatically by birth. They simply play out their role in the system, regardless of being a predator or prey, regardless of where they are in the food chain and what part of the system they exist in.
Humanity is destined — obligated by Nature’s deterministic evolutionary plan — to become the Natural system’s only fully conscious, willingly partnering element.
This is why we need to be born “outside of”, incompatible with Nature’s general balance and integration. This is why we have a unique human intellect, capable of critical self-assessment and initiating self-change and further self-development.
It is upon our present generation — that is tethering on the verge of self-destruction to learn about our predetermined, unique evolutionary role and to start our next, this time conscious phase of human development towards achieving it.