Love according to the Torah
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
We have enough evidence in our writings that Judaism is based on the “love of others.”
We have Rabbi Akiva describing “Love your friend as yourself” as the primary law of the Torah and many other great sages describing this love for fellow Jews as the foundation for Jewish society — like Rav Yehuda Ashlag in his articles, for example.
The very foundation of the Jewish Nation — undisputed unity and mutual guarantee cannot work without this love.
Of course, here, we do not speak about the “love” everybody else is speaking about. This “love” we need to achieve is something we do not have by birth; it is something that is impossible as long as we are driven by the inherently self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative, and hateful human nature.
The “love” the Torah and our sages talk about is something we have to learn, practice, and receive from reality’s single governing force, the force that is the essence of this “supernatural” — above inherent human nature — love.
Only when we can restore our “Jewishness” and our “nationality” based on this “love” and the ensuing unity and mutual guarantee — above and against the constantly awakening instinctive mutual rejection and animosity — can we also show and publicize this “love” to others.
Showing and publicizing the unique “Jewish love,” first of all, restored between Jews, is the true expression of our “love” towards others since this “supernatural love” and the ability to connect and coexist are the keys to human survival.