Living in the “Last Generation”
Unique, empirical, Natural scientists named our generation (which includes a few generations together) as the Last Generation. More precisely this the trans-section of Humanity which lives today will start the last, this time conscious phase of Human development, which will then probably span multiple generations.
This means that we will leave a completely blind, instinctive form of development — that took Humanity through inevitably recurring, vicious historic cycles of building and destruction — as our inherently egocentric, individualistic and exploitative nature tried building civilizations on the ruins of the previous one only to run into the same dead-ends and explosions each time.
In our time we have “received an invitation” (from Nature’s evolution), so based on the overwhelming historic evidence and the very sharp real-time, actual (negative) events we could finally snap out of “autopilot” mode (driven by the selfish egos). We can start a completely new phase of development above and against the inherent Human nature — based on Nature’s balanced, mutually responsible, mutually complementing template we can learn through a special, purposeful, and practical educational method.
Then we will see extreme, unprecedented changes in governance, economy, society, culture as a result of the new, “Natural”, Human interconnections, cooperation.
(This way we will also avoid a Third World War which is increasingly on the cards right now!)