Living in the age of mutual responsibility
Question from the Internet:
“What is your biggest concern as a member of society?”
We have evolved into a globally interconnected and totally interdependent world. In effect, all of us have become individual cells of the same, single, closed, irrevocably integrated living organism.
My biggest personal concern towards society — which encompasses the whole of humanity and beyond the system of Nature — is my absolute mutual responsibility toward the well-being and most optimal development of the whole system.
This is completely against our inherently self-centred, self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and subjective nature. By default, we care only for ourselves; we want to accumulate and consume only for our own sake, and we succeed through ruthless competition at the expense of others and Nature.
As a result, as long as we blindly and instinctively follow our inherent nature, we behave like cancer in this fully integrated and interdependent living system.
This is why we urgently need a special, purposeful and highly practical method to change our worldview and attitude towards each other and Nature. This method needs to help us understand — most people already intellectually understand — and help us actually and viscerally feel our irreversible interdependence.
Then we will be able to start acting and existing above and against our instincts and become healthy cells in this single, integrated and global system.