Like a Global Family
Question from the Internet:
“In what way does a family become responsible to itself and to society?”
The “classical family” model as a self-sufficient supportive network based on selfless, unconditional mutual integration and complementation is the blueprint and basic cell of a healthy human society.
The fact that today even this fundamental unit of human connections is falling apart is a sign of how deeply in crisis we are.
On the other hand, from this lowliest and most dangerous place we received the opportunity — and we have the necessary, practical and purposeful method — to rebuild the whole, global human society based on the blueprint of the original family.
In this globally integrated and fully interdependent world we have all become as parts of the same, global family, or we can say we have all become as single cells of the same, single living organism.
Thus we urgently need to learn and implement how to connect to each other like members of the same family — above and against our inherent selfish, egocentric, individualistic and exploitative nature.
This conscious, proactive development above our instincts is the call of the time and this will make us truly Human beings instead of “sophisticated but destructive animals”, following their blind egotistic instincts that we are today.