Life — the Result of Reciprocal Connections
Question from the Internet:
“What are the small factors that help to live better?”
Life is the sensation, experience of a unique mutual flow, circulation, and communication between diverse, seemingly incompatible parts, elements with an “inner desire” to experience existence through that mutual connection.
And the more complex that organism is, the more diverse and numerous its parts are, the qualitatively greater, more refined, deeper that life experience is, the more developed the consciousness of that “being” is.
Thus the only factor we need to learn and experience is the positive, constructive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing connections between us, leading to an unprecedented reciprocal flow, circulation, and communication of energy, love, servitude between us.
That can give us a unique, collective sense of truly Human life, which is incomparable to the lowly, limited and subjective “single-cell” life we all love as egotistic, selfish individuals.