Learning to balance humanity’s negative effect
Question from the Internet:
“What would be the possible solutions to the negative impact made by humans?”
We will need to generate a positive impact in order to balance and neutralize the negative impact. And when we learn how to do so, we will understand that the “negative impact was actually necessary, so against it, in contrast to it, we could learn how to become positive elements in nature’s system.
When we examine nature, we see that all still, vegetative and animate elements are instinctively and automatically integrated into the system. Each of them inherently senses and fulfills their most optimal role in the system, whether it is simply being inanimate, supporting elements, different kinds of plants, or the predators and prey in nature’s “circle of life.”
We usually form a very distorted and false view of nature, labeling predators, for example, “evil” while feeling sorry for the prey. We do not understand how each of them perfectly fulfills their role for the sustenance of the general balance and homeostasis that facilitates life and optimal development.
Compared to the rest of the system, human beings are born “pure evil.” We are outside nature’s general balance and homeostasis; we pursue a completely egocentric, subjective, and individualistic life. We excessively overconsume and accumulate for ourselves anything we can place our hands on. We ruthlessly compete and fight even with our own “brethren” and cherish succeeding and surviving at the expense of others and nature.
It is our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and individualistic human ego that causes the negative impact we have on nature and each other. And this human ego is in each and every one of us. Only our hunger, willingness, and readiness for sacrifice to get whatever we want differentiates people and arranges humanity according to a pyramid model. But given the abilities and the favorable condition, we could all end up performing the same “evil deeds” those at the peak of the human pyramid are performing now.
But we are not evil, and we haven’t committed any sins.
It is nature’s deterministic evolution that programmed us to behave this way, to cause a negative impact on the system through our inherent nature. Besides, we also have a uniquely Human ability to critically assess ourselves and to initiate such self-changes and self-development that is unparalleled in nature.
Humans are the only beings in nature that can willingly and consciously adapt themselves to nature’s laws and evolution’s process, even by rising above and acting against our inherent nature.
And it is this unique, willing, and conscious ability to start existing and behaving higher and opposite to our original nature and inner software that will finally make us “truly Human” beings.
This unique Human development is predetermined in evolution, and it is necessary for us to reach and fulfill our very high, evolutionary Human purpose in life.
We are expected and destined to become nature’s only fully conscious, seamlessly and proactively integrated, and, at the same time, independent observers and equal partners. This would not have been possible without being born opposite to and against nature at first, so from that opposition and contrast, we could develop ourselves to become similar and partnering nature.
Our generation is the first that needs o shift from inherently blind, instinctive, selfish, and egocentric progress to a nature-like, selfless and altruistic, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing way of existence. Our collective reward is huge, and it is almost impossible to comprehend from our present, limited, and distorted egocentric and subjective point of view.
We can develop a sense of existence beyond any of our present, subjective, and egocentric limitations like time and space. Through the process, we will gain a tangible and realistic sense as if we, ourselves, designed and governed nature’s complete system. Whatever we consider pleasure and achievement in our limited and distorted world today — which world is all collapsing around us as we speak — is simply dwarfed and made negligible compared to what awaits us.
But we have to make a conscious decision that we want to start this conscious Human development which leads to attaining our Human purpose in life. Then, with the help of the unique, purposeful, and practical method which was designed only for this purpose, we can start the process, which will yield almost immediate and positive results.