Lasting peace through education
Question from the Internet:
“What can bring peace to the world?”
Only the right, “peace education” can bring peace to the world.
We need to understand our own nature, we have to accept that we are all born with a “warmongering”, ruthlessly competitive, egocentric, and individualistic nature that thrives at succeeding, surviving at the expense of others and Nature.
We also have to understand that this nature of ours is not evil or sinful, but this is how Nature — purposefully — created us.
We already know that we cannot suppress or erase our nature, any coercion, oppression only brings an even stronger rebound effect.
Finally, we also have to understand that “peace” is not simply the lack of war, it does not mean temporary ceasefires, treaties we break the moment the opportunity arises.
True peace is a conscious, purposeful interconnection, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation between diverse, seemingly incompatible, mutually distrusting parties, elements that fully understand that keeping the peace, keeping their mutual cooperation above and against the “near explosion” on the instinctive level is mutually beneficial for all of them, that keeping the peace brings much greater rewards and fulfillment than to succumb to instinctive reactions.
This is what the right education can bring and maintain.