Kabbalah is the Science that can save Humanity from self-destruction

Zsolt Hermann
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

Question from the Internet about Kabbalah:

“Like all things human (including the focus of our exchange) they always descend into an abstract quantitative complexity from which one cannot extract themselves. This is particularity evident when it comes to deciphering foundational structure which is what our exchange has been all about. So, in order to cut through all the gibberish let me ask you some simple straightforward questions to which I hope you can give me simple straightforward answers.
What has all this sacred mystical knowledge that you have been in search of, and claim to be privy to (at least in part) done for humankind which now sits on the very cusp of self annihilation? What? If it was so damn important, and was basically kept from the many, because they were undeserving of it, and only allowed into the hands of the few (privileged) for so many years, what was the sense of it all? What?
Throughout recorded Jewish history the slaughter of the innocent by the Jews continued unabated regardless of it. The slaughter of the Jews by their enemies continued also. The ground literally ran red with the blood of innocent, and often times the Patriarchs who are/were supposed so be so important died too.
So, if the common man gained NOTHING from the existence of this supposed knowledge Zsolt, then who or what did its existence serve? The angels? Lucifer? God? In other words, was it just another ingredient that got stirred into mankind’s pot to make the human spectacle more exciting to whoever or whatever sat in observation of it?
When all the complexity (mystery) is cut out of this issue that seems to excite the bored mind, all we are left with is the ability you question its purpose. If it was only to help Adam transition, as some believe, then it remains peculiar to Adam and those in his immediate periphery. If it was an attempt on the behalf of Lucifer to somehow atone for what he had done, then that might be understandable. But since he never carried through on any repentance, that’s questionable. So what about the angels? Why were the archangels intervening to counter the affects/effects of God’s judgement? Was it an act of rebellion? Or did God condone it because God felt remorse? Not likely given that we are speaking of God here.”

Your question is just and straightforward, and I can give you a straightforward answer.

The science/wisdom of Kabbalah is about nothing else but to help Humanity from the seemingly inevitable self-destruction.

I am very much aware of the facts your link provides, and if you read any of my writings here on Quora or on Medium, if you look at Dr. Michael Laitman’s more recent writings anywhere on the internet, his clips on YouTube, you will find nothing else but the method how Humanity can prevent this self-destruction — by changing ourselves, by making ourselves similar to Nature.

Kabbalists are empirical scientists, who have been studying Nature’s laws that keep the balance and homeostasis life depends on, and the inherently egocentric, self-serving, subjective and exploitative Human nature in contrast to those laws.

The method they devised — what has been refined from generation to generation till our times — all their writings are about nothing else, but this.

The Torah itself describes Nature absolute laws and how the opposite, incompatible Human can become similar, compatible with Nature.

I am not sure what Adam you referred to, but “Adam" in Kabbalah is the symbolic name for a fully developed Human being that has become similar to Nature (Adam comes from the expression “similar" in Hebrew). We all have to become Adam, moreover the true Adam is a single system, connection network that encompasses the whole Humanity “as one".

Here we come to your more important question, “why haven’t we seen any changes in Humanity, why are we now ready to become extinct, even in this generation, why was Kabbalah hidden basically until now?”

The answer is simple, Humanity wasn’t ready!

We are very stubborn creatures, we are ready to justify ourselves in any conditions and we would do, agree to anything except to change ourselves.

We needed to reach such a global crisis — at the same time when our proud technological advancement has reached extreme heights, when we want to colonize planets, explore black holes — we had to feel ourselves desperately helpless as more and more people, including leaders, experts feel today.

We only change when our present state becomes intolerable. But if we only have despair we become violent and start wars and wholesale destruction.

So in the moment of helpless despair Kabbalah appears with its solution, with the method of changing, upgrading Human beings — more correctly changing how Humans interconnect, and how they build societies.

The Titanic of the present Human society is sinking, and will inevitably sink, as our artificial socioeconomic system with its excessive overconsumption, success at each other’s expense has no right to exist in Nature’s balanced, integrated system.

Kabbalists and the unique groups, small societies they establish, teach, guide will become the “rescue boats" Humanity can escape through, avoiding the otherwise inevitable self-destruction, unprecedented loss of lives and property.

This is why Kabbalists call our generation the “Last Generation", a unique time when we start a different, this time conscious Human evolution compared to the previous blind, instinctive, egotistic development.

And this new phase will have nothing to do with human ideologies, philosophies, religions and other misinterpretations. Everything is based on Nature’s integral template Kabbalists are presenting to us.

Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) wrote very serious, scientific articles about this state about a hundred years ago covering topics like freedom of choice, peace in the world, the societal structure, education in this last generation.

We have the whole method, we just need people who are ready, who desire to start the transition — by willingly changing, refining, upgrading themselves without coercion or misleading propaganda, dogma.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.