Jewish Mutual Guarantee vs the West
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
First of all, it is nice to hear the unconditional support from American Jews.
On the other hand, I do not like when people keep talking about the “freedom-loving” US and the West and when they automatically link America and the West as the allies of Israel.
The “West” is the peak of the fully exploitative and self-destructive, selfish, and egoistic human development in human history.
The “West” is based on the assumed freedom of the selfish individual, on the open and unashamed prosperity and success of this “free individual” at the expense of everybody and everything else.
Each and every human being was born with these aspirations, but the West managed to perfect this exploitative lifestyle while all “developing nations” aspire to do the same.
As a result, our whole world is facing a seemingly inevitable and immediate self-destruction since we exist and behave like cancer.
America supports Israel only because it is in their selfish geopolitical interest, and this support is not unconditional. They constantly try to “guide” and pressure Israel towards an end-game that suits them but is detrimental to Israel.
Instead of hoping for a Western alliance, Israel needs to return to the original “Jewish method” of mutual guarantee, the only remedy that can help people create a human society that can unite and exist above and against the instinctively egotistic human nature.
When we do so, we will have “natural allies,” people and nations following us out of lack of any other choices!