It will get worse before it will be much better…

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMay 28, 2020

Question from the Internet:

“Will the second half of 2020 be better or worse in terms of geopolitics, economies, and the pandemic outbreak?”

Inevitably continuing crisis

I am sorry to be a scarecrow, but the situation will get worse before it will get better, much better.

The pandemic is not over yet, many experts predict a more potent, dangerous second wave from a mutated form of the virus during the European winter.

But regardless of the virus our present socio-economic system will continue to fall apart. It was already on life-support before the virus appeared for decades.

Recurring history

Human history is a helplessly recurring chain of vicious cycles as our inherently selfish, egotistic, exploitative and individualistic nature blindly, instinctively distorts, corrupts everything.

Our own civilization - built on the most promising system of liberal, parliamentary democracy and free market capitalism is nearing its own civilization-ending explosion, only 70–80 years after the last one with an almost carbon copy of what happened during the 1920s, 30s, 40s.

We will need to change and rebuild Human society - which has become a single, global society - on completely different foundations. But our egotistic nature is such that we only move, change, when our state has become intolerable, when we have nothing else to lose.

And so far, historically this meant bloody revolutions, great wars and then a rebuild on the ruins.

Positive rebuilding through a small, “critical mass”

This time with a global war we can completely wipe ourselves out.

Thus it is extremely important that at least a healthy minority, a so called “critical mass” understands that in order to safeguard our collective Human survival we need to start using Nature’s perfect blueprint - with its selfless, mutually complementing, mutual responsible cooperation for the sake of the whole, while living within the optional combination of natural necessities/available resources.

Then these pioneers can lead Humanity away from the historic cycles, “solutions”, towards a different, conscious and Natural development, towards a truly positive, rewarding existence for all - finally not fighting but following Nature’s evolution.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.