It is upon us not to repeat history’s vicious, self-destructive cycles in our generation!
Question from the Internet:
“In what ways does history repeat itself?”
So far Human development has been a blind, instinctive process with our inherently self-serving, self-justifying ego driving us.
Each new civilization is built upon a new, ideal ideology, system, that we think can provide a reasonably fair, sustainable, equal existence for all people, after we have realized millennia ago that we have to live a social life with some form of interconnection with each other.
But then the original idea, system becomes gradually distorted, corrupted by the same ego - which we tried to control, harness with the laws, structures of society - until the civilization becomes unsustainable and self-destructs.
Then we start building again on the ruins and experience of the fallen civilization, until we start repeating the same mistakes, crimes - regardless of the “ism”, governing, economic our social system we use, regardless of who the dominant powers are - until an inevitable explosion.
Today we are at our own “civilization ending” finish strait, waiting for our own “civilization-ending explosion”, almost making a carbon copy of the events of the 1930s-40s.
It is upon us, on this generation to use the overwhelming historic experience - and the very real and present danger of potential, collective self-destruction if we allow things to run their usual course - to proactively, consciously shift from the original blind, instinctive development to an unprecedented, conscious, purposeful progress above and against our inherent program, inclination and instincts.