Israel’s unity can channel nature’s positive forces
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
There is no doubt we need effective physical self-defense and advanced weapons in order to survive in an environment where people try to actively harm us.
Still, as the events of October 7th have proven, self-defense and weapons combined with advanced technology are not enough.
The article writes: “The historical wisdom of leaders who navigated turbulent times, such as Zeev Jabotinsky, David Ben-Gurion, and Menachem Begin teaches us that a united Jewish community can achieve remarkable feats.”
Without national unity, without constantly strengthened mutual guarantee between Jews in Israel and all over the world, the physical abilities and weapons cannot save or protect us.
Our greatest shield and weapon is our unity and the absolute and unconditional personal and mutual responsibility towards each and every other Jew.
Based on the unique, original Jewish method, where this unity and mutual guarantee is achieved and sustained above and despite the constantly awakening instinctive differences, distrust, and animosity, we become able to harness and channel unique and all-powerful positive natural forces that can solve all problems and can neutralize all negative and harmful influences in the world.
This is not mysticism or blind belief; it is all based on nature’s fundamental laws, as our greatest sages — unique, empirical natural scientists — are teaching.