Is there greed behind everything we do?
Question from the Internet:
“Is there greed hidden in obtaining power?”
“Greed,” always wanting more and more only for ourselves while succeeding and surviving at the expense of others, is within our inherent nature.
We are all born with a 100% egocentric, subjective, individualistic, and exploitative nature. We all make our calculations totally only for our own benefit, according to a fully introverted “pleasure/pain” calculation.
As a result, knowingly or unknowingly, we exclusively compete with the self-interest of others and are forced to take what they have in order to fulfill our insatiable, ever-growing “needs” — that are way beyond our actual necessities.
So we want to obtain power in order to control, manipulate, exploit and destroy others.
This is how we all act instinctively, according to our actual abilities and conditions and according to the “inner hunger” we are born with and what extra desires and “wants” we receive from the surrounding environment.
Nothing will change in the world until we start to recognize and accept our inherent nature and the desires and intentions that drive us from moment to moment. Only when we have already humbly and bravely looked into a brutally honest mirror — in a special, purposeful, and practical environment — and developed a true, irrepressible and intolerable desire to change and further develop ourselves can we expect things to change.