Is the “family” viable in our modern world?
Question from the Internet:
“What are the best roles and skills you might have inside your family as the basic organization or unit of society?”
In the traditional, multi-generational family — we can still see in certain nations — the original role-division between males and females, older and younger generations was very clear, providing a simple, easy organization for obtaining basic necessities and caring for the next generation.
Our modern — especially Western — society has blurred those lines and roles, thus the “classic family” model hardly exists and as a result, human society is also crumbling due to losing its basic foundation element.
As they say, we cannot put the genie back into the bottle, we cannot revert to the original family model with women staying at home caring only for the family and children while men working for necessities. And in a global, integrated world it has become rarer and rarer for multiple generations living together under one roof.
Still, whatever we consider a “family” today, wherever we consider the basic, most minimal unit of human society for producing, raising children and living under one roof, we need to organize it in such a way that each member of the “family” can find their most optimal, mutually responsible, mutually complementing role, purpose while justly, automatically receiving everything they need to continue that mutually contributing role for the sake of the collective.
Even within “traditional” families, this has become a problem, since our incessantly growing, intensifying ego, individualism, insatiable desire for more disrupts any mutuality, any purposeful integration.
This is why we urgently need a purposeful and highly practical educational method to help us learn and implement mutual responsibility, mutually complementing cooperation in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world — way beyond the original family circle.