Is Love truly the solution?
They say, that in a world that is sinking into hate, separation, loneliness, and depression, love is the solution.
Sounds nice but no, thank you, it is a utopistic, hippy, liberal idea without a realistic basis.
Others are suggesting we should implement “love your neighbor as yourself” as the basis of Human relationships to help us rise above what separates us. Again, it sounds nice, I know all religions, spiritual teachings say something similar, but it is, after all, a religious dogma that has no place in modern society.
But is this really so?!
No, it is not so, if we start to look at “love” beyond our present understanding.
After all Nature’s perfect, integral system is built on “love”, meaning on the selfless, unconditional, mutually serving, mutually responsible relationship, communication between all the comprising elements of the system.
If the cells, organs of our own biological body would not “love” each other — serving the other cells, organs unconditionally, even at the expense of their own existence, fulfillment — we would not be able to survive for a second. When this mutual “love” in our bodies is disrupted we become sick and if it is not corrected in time, we will die soon.
When we start to look at ourselves, Humanity and Nature from a systemic point of view, the notion of “love your neighbor as yourself” suddenly stops being an outrageous, impossible idea.
After all, if I am simply an individual cell in Humanity’s fully integrated, interdependent body — which we actually are as all sciences and the events of our lives in the global world prove — then when I love, unconditionally serve others I actually love, serve myself, the other parts of “me”. Moreover since in such an integral system my life totally depends on the reciprocal love, service I receive from others, even from a selfish point of view it is worthwhile providing others with everything they need.
And actually I should not even wait for receiving that reciprocal love, service from them before I start fulfilling my own role. After all, we are all born with egocentric, individualistic reflexes, distrust, hostility towards others. In order to awaken the others towards the crucial reciprocal connection, I need to make sure they feel safe, fulfilled so they should not need to worry about their own fulfillment, survival first.
By unconditionally loving, serving them, fulfilling all their needs as optimally as possible, I start to control the whole system, I open the valve, I initiate the mutual circulation. The moment the others feel that they have all their needs fulfilled most optimally like in the mother’s womb, they can completely forget about themselves and start fulfilling their own supporting, mutually contributing role towards everybody else.
In the end the whole of Humanity will need to operate, exist based on such “mutual trust, mutual guarantee”. But of course, implementing it in practice among billions of people, who are all born with the same egotistic, individualistic, distrusting nature it is impossible.
But we can build small cells, small, closed environments — or incubators -through the right, purposeful and highly practical educational method with such people who already understand that Human survival in a global world, that is embedded in a fully integral Natural system, is possible only through this mutual, “true love”.
Then as the general society continues its inevitable decline due to instinctive hate, separation, racism, survival at each other’s expense. The small, budding cells, connecting with each other, gradually attracting others escaping the general society will become the basis of a new Humanity rising to a qualitatively much higher, collective existence in partnership with Nature.
And this is not a utopia, this is science.