“Integral Education” is our only vehicle forward — toward collective Human Survival

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJun 4, 2023

Question from the Internet:

“What would you do/implement in your country if you could? Describe the possible impact on society.”

We need to implement — in any country and all over the world — the right, “integral” education.

We would all need to learn, comprehend and viscerally feel what it means to exist in a globally integrated and interdependent world.

Of course, we are already speaking about global connections, interdependence, and a global village. We are all aware of the effects of a global market, global entertainment, and the incredibly fast ability of the Internet to deliver news and data to everybody within seconds.

But we still do not “internalize”; we still do not “viscerally” feel what it means that we are globally integrated and interdependent.

After all, if we already felt that then we would not still resort to excessively overconsuming everything for our own sake. We would not continue to pursue and enjoy succeeding at the expense of others. We would not actively incite conflicts and wars all over the world and continue to weaponize ourselves, preparing for a nuclear war.

It does not matter what we say, what agreements we sign, and what we project through the media, as long as we still tangibly feel like unique and separate individuals that fight for individual freedom and individual rights and truly believe that we can do whatever we want regardless of others.

If we want to continue surviving — and that survival can only be a collective one — then we need the above-mentioned “integral” education. We need to come to a very realistic and visceral feeling that we are not standalone, separate individuals, but we are all individual and mutually integrated cells of the same, living organism — humanity — which organism is also an integral part of nature’s vast, finely balanced and mutually integrated system.

Only when we acquire that tangible and irrevocable sense that our individual life, health, survival, and prosperity are irreversibly intertwined with the life, health, survival, and prosperity of the whole, only then will we truly change how we behave and exist.

And this is something we cannot force on people, and we cannot make people change their minds and emotions through misleading propaganda either. Only through the right educational method, which people join willingly and consciously — since they see and feel that joining the method of changing and further developing ourselves is in our best interest — can we be successful.

Obviously, this is not going to unfold with 8 billion people all at once. But if a so-called “critical minority” of people start this process and start showing a positive example, they will be able to pull and inspire others to follow them, especially since the general state of the world will only continue to decline.

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Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.