Infinite fullfilment, perfect happiness
Question from the Internet:
“What should I do after self improvement? I recently graduated college I have the job I always wanted, I am in the best shape of my life, I follow a clean diet, I follow a strict schedule. Why am I unfulfilled?”
The problem is that we are brought up, educated, brainwashed by society to search for fulfilment for ourselves, to constantly think about, care only for ourselves. In this process — moreover, knowingly, unknowingly we usually succeed, survive at the expense of others.
But there are some big problems in relation to direct self-fullfilment.
Although we have great, insatiable desire for pleasures, our actual vessels we can fulfill are very limited. Even when we are extremely hungry, the moment we start eating the initial hunger, and with it the pleasure of eating wanes. It is the same with our sexual desires and everything else.
And after we are satisfied we are turned off, unable to accept any further pleasures for a while.
Moreover, what satisfies us today is not enough tomorrow as we constantly search for more, for greater, newer, juicier pleasures.
So all in all, as long as we focus on ourselves we can’t fulfill our insatiable desire and instead of being happy, satisfied we only get emptier, depressed and run towards drugs and other addictions.
Thus in order to reach lasting, true self-improvement, fulfilment, we need to build endless, perfect vessels we can fulfill. And that is by building positive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconections with others, where we all pledge to care for, fulfill the needs and desires of others.
When this mutual network starts to work ideally we benefit twice. While others satisfy all our needs like in a loving family, we learn and acquire much greater pleasure than we could ever imagine before.
These are pleasures from true love, when we constantly focus out serving, fulfilling others completely forgetting about ourselves.
And on top of the unprecedented pleasures we feel from this true love, “forgetting about ourselves", existing above, outside of our inherently egotistic self the greatest freedom we can ever reach, sensing reality beyond the egotistic, subjective limitations of time, space and physical motion.